
How to surf the web to find motivating and insightful content

  “Wow! This was so cool!” my friend says. “ How do you even find these things ?” I tell him that I got it from the newsletter of <so-and-so> website where people post interesting stuff. And the next question goes, “Well, but how did you find out about the <so-and-so> website?” And then I end up telling him about this person on Twitter whom I follow and how she tweets interesting things and how she is SO cool. “Okay but how did you find out about this person?” … And every time, the conversation comes to an abrupt end either because my friend stops asking further questions at the risk of seeming too dumb (and ends up giving me an unsatisfactory “Oh Wow” reaction) or because I fail to remember the exact source (and end up telling something along the lines of — “I just found it while… hmm… browsing on the Internet”). What I also want to say is that these cool webpages/people that I come across can come to anyone. But that sounds like patronizing. Not helpful. And I want to say

How to deal with nested callbacks and avoid “callback hell”

   JavaScript is a  strange language . Once in a while, you have to deal with a callback that’s in another callback that’s in yet another callback. People affectionately call this pattern the  callback hell . It kinda looks like this: firstFunction(args, function() { secondFunction(args, function() { thirdFunction(args, function() { // And so on… }); }); }); This is JavaScript for you. It’s mind-boggling to see nested callbacks, but I don’t think it’s a “hell”. The “hell” can be manageable if you know what to do with it. On callbacks I assume you know what callbacks are if you’re reading this article. If you don’t, please read   this article  for an introduction to callbacks before continuing. There, we talk about what callbacks are and why you use them in JavaScript. Solutions to callback hell There are four solutions to callback hell: Write comments Split functions into smaller functions Using Promises Using Async/await Before we dive into the solutions, let’s const

Lessons I learned in my first months as a non-traditional software engineer

  I am about 3 months into my  journey  as a new software engineer. I work at a place where the bar is high for what it means to craft quality software. My peers are well-educated and highly disciplined engineers with many years of experience. Those conditions alone would be enough to cause someone new to wonder things like “Am I good enough to be here?” or “Will I be able to keep up?” To top it off, however, I have the fact that my background in software is non-traditional. My degree is in music and I am self-taught in programming. You can probably imagine the kind of impostor syndrome  that someone in my position might feel when surrounded by people who are so smart and credentialed. The self-doubt could have been paralyzing. But, somehow it didn’t last very long at all. So, how did that happen? How did the doubt give way to the enthusiasm to learn and grow that I mostly feel today? I made a list of 31 experiences that helped me embrace being new and non-traditional rather than feari

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